There are 3 Types of People

There are 3 Types of People

There are three types of people.


There are three types of people, in my experience. (Do please note, we're all individuals, this is just shorthand for strategic mindset...)

1) Those who believe the world will change for them

2) Those who believe they can change the world for others

3) Those who don't try to change the world

Most of us.... are 3s. Aren't we? I mean, can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and say you think you can and will change the world? No.

3s are normal. Normal. Wanting to change the world is borderline crazy - purely because it is such a mammoth task. You probably could make change, you probably won't.

Why is change so hard? Simple... because there are three types of people.

What is the "world" - what do I mean... Well, for me, the world is layered. Your world might be a football team. A school. A university. A company. It encompasses a lot of your time, passions and productivity. As you grow into society, the world literally expands to our global society. The "World" is onionised - and to change layers above, you must first be capable of changing layers below.

I think the kids call it a "level up" - not to be confused with dubious political communications.

What do I mean by change? I mean strategic change. We're all changing the world with our choices and actions - but we don't build swell to make big moves as often. It's that kind of change most folks don't attempt. Otherwise we'd all be running to be MPs or the like.

That's ok - most people, in my experience are good and decent and honest. They draw a circle around what they can control, and within that operate with kindness, decency and good conscience.

1s can literally be born into their power - we see that a lot, don't we? No need to go too deep. So spotting those 1s is easy. 1s hate 2s. 1s hunt 3s and hoard their favour.

So what's the parable, here? Simple - it's quite hard, in my experience to tell the difference between 1s and 2s. In fact, sometimes a 1 thinks it's a 2.

But think about it, If most people are 3s... who changes the world?

And if most people don't desire change - the force of will required to do it is massive.

There aren't many change makers - which is why we observe those who think they can with such fascination. We're all trying to figure out if they have malevolent or benevolent intent. And since there are so few examples of genuine benevolence - it is computationally easier to default to 1.

3s know this - and humans hate nothing more than being misunderstood of suffering from reputation issues. So it's far safer to stay 3 than inadvertently be labelled 1 or, worse still, start of 2 and stray to 1 en route. (Remember, Google had a motto of "Do No Evil" - there are many who sue them regularly arguing they've gone on a 1.)

So know what number you are presently - and religiously self-reflecting on that is the best thing you can do. You can be a 2. What is stopping you from being a 2? Lazy. Fear.

We have so many wisdoms in Western society - but one thing we all agree on, and its pertinence is clear - evil prevails when good people do nothing.

So you have a choice - BE A 2. Or look HARDER and make sure you are supporting the 2s and not the 1s. Go deeper than the surface.

Sadly, spotting 2s is hard. I spent most of my days hunting for 2s and they are rarer than a polkadot Pokémon wearing a Wolves shirt. If anyone masters this art - message me.

James York

James York

"James, do you ever fell like you need to come back down to Earth" - They asked. "No, I just want to find people to fly with me".